Olga, 38 anos de idade, Bielorrússia, Minsk
Verificação de telefone
Taxa de respostas: 41%
Informação principal
Primeiro Nome: Olga
Idade: 38
Localização: Bielorrússia, Minsk
Signo do Zodíaco: Libra
Peso: 50kg
Altura: 170cm
Cor do olho: Azul
Cor do cabelo: Loiro escuro
Tipo de corpo: Esguio
Frequência que fuma: Nunca
Frequência com que bebe: Nunca
Seu tipo de atividade: Eu gosto de acordar tarde
Com informação:
Verificação de telefone
Estado civil: Solteiro
Quer filhos: Indeciso
Suas prioridades na vida:
Família, relacionamento fixo
Equilíbrio mental
Educação: Grau de pós-graduação
Profissão: Professor/professor universitário
Qual religião você pratica?: Católica
Meu parceiro
Idade: 43 - 90
Está okay se eles tiverem filhos?: Sim
Hobbies e interesses
Eu curto jardinagem?
Não fornecido
Eu curto fazer compras de mercearia?
Não fornecido
Eu curto outros tipos de compras?
Não fornecido
Com que frequência eu gosto de sair?
Não fornecido
Eu curto jantar fora?
Não fornecido
Mantenho meu espaço
Não fornecido
Idealmente, eu gostaria de viver em um(a)
Não fornecido
Preferência por animais de estimação
Respostas para algumas questões
Como você se descreveria?
A girl with an unusual appearance (very long hair), with an amazing fate and a unique ability to make real geniuses out of talented students!

I feel like I was created for polo, chess, books, sailing on a yacht . . . For all aristocratic sports, I’m just the perfect match!

A girl with an angel's heart will become a muse, an inexhaustible inspiration and the brightest part of life for a True Gentleman and the King of her heart 👑❤️
Como você descreveria seu parceiro ideal?
Man of actions is my favourite type of man)

Who is he? He is my refuge and my fortress, my man, in whom I trust. An old-fashioned Gentleman who perceives woman as art; knows how to aesthetically enjoy his Beloved, protects her, takes care of her with pleasure and who loves to give gifts. Why? Because these are my main love languages ​​and because my King will always be my religion...

💙Attention💙 Dear Men, there are a lot of you and a lot of wonderful messages from you. If you have an empty profile, then in the first message, please write about yourself in more detail. Your profession, hobbies, lifestyle and favorite countries to travel) It will be much easier for me to get to know you as a person and understand your beautiful personality! Thanks for understanding! Finding true love is not easy, but it is very important for each of us! Good luck to all! 💞 Dear men, this is a little hint for you. All the beautiful girls receive millions of messages, but these are just empty words that mean nothing and are worth absolutely nothing. Therefore, if you really really liked some girl, order a basket of roses delivered in her name, this surprise will be much better than hundreds of your messages.
Se você soubesse que o mundo iria acabar em 30 dias, o que você faria?
I don't give up so easily!)) I would try to prevent it! The world is so beautiful! I would definitely find an opportunity to save our wonderful planet)
Se você tivesse 10 milhões de dólares para gastar, o que você faria com isso?
I see a mistake in the question itself) Money is never superfluous, it always needs to be invested and increased in order to have even more opportunities to please loved ones and do other good deeds that our beautiful planet needs so much)
Quantas vezes, e de quem você pede conselhos?
I take 3-4 expert opinions from the best experts on this issue, or I make a decision myself and have a responsibility for it
Qual qualidade você mais valoriza nas pessoas do seu sexo?
Femininity and a good heart ❤️
Qual qualidade você mais valoriza no sexo oposto?
The desire and opportunity to give me all the flowers of the world, because he is the only King of my heart always and forever! 👑❤️

❤️Man is capable of deeds, is doomed to be loved❤️
Qual é um evento recente proeminente em sua vida, e como isso te afetou?
On July 22, I helped deliver a baby to a woman I didn't know right in the mall. The ambulance was stuck in a traffic jam and therefore the doctors were late. But everything went well! A girl was born and she was named after me, Olya! This is so nice! ❤️
Qual é o melhor conselho que você dará para seus filhos?
You are the best creation of God! Dream, study and very soon you will be able to conquer the whole world with your incredible achievements, brilliant ideas and great success! Don't be afraid to think ahead of our time! I believe in you and will always be by your side with all my heart! ❤️
O que tem produzido a maior impressão (choque) em ti?
War in Ukraine...
Quais são suas metas agora?
The goal is always the same - to be happy and give this happiness to others)
Quem você admira?
I admire every woman and every man who makes their own families absolutely happy.
Você tem muitos amigos?
My Beloved Husband will always be my best friend!) And my sister, a talented IT girl from Switzerland, will always be a big part of my heart)
O que gostaria de mudar em você?
I would like to donate half of my hair to a girl from Ukraine, she was badly damaged by a bomb explosion and her hair was burned...
Quais são seus pontos fortes?
All my life I hear from other people that I have the most beautiful heart in the World. It seems to me that you will think the same after we met)

And I also have the talent of a writer. I think you already noticed it)
Como amigos te vêem?
Girl with an angel's heart 
Como conhecidos te vêem?
Princess from a fairy tale)
Quais tipos de música você gosta?
I like music that makes our souls tremble with pleasure; music that causes a slight trembling in the whole body and music that can cause tears of admiration from the very depths of the human soul...
Qual é sua comida favorita?
I like varied cuisine. Sometimes I prefer Mediterranean cuisine, sometimes Japanese, sometimes Chinese. It all depends on my desire and mood)

But I can definitely highlight my main preference - I have a sweet tooth since childhood.
Quais são seus filmes favoritos?
I like films based on real events, exciting thrillers and interesting detective stories.

But sometimes I watch funny comedies for the mood, and action movies with my cousin, and the most magical New Year's movies on Christmas Eve! Ah, how wonderful it is! It's already the second half of the year and I'm slowly starting to write a wish list for Santa Claus. I hope he visits me this year)
Qual é seu emprego dos sonhos?
First Lady for my King)
Onde você quer viver?
The country is not important for me, with my beloved man I can live anywhere)
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